Hi, the Alteryx.write(df,1) line doesn't output the entire dataframe only the first row, when I try to print it out in the jupyter env the dataframe is correctly built an displayed. Thanks!
Hi @Istwineres,
Might be due to the standard profiling limit of the results pane (10mb data) and not your Python code, if you add a browse tool after the "1" anchor of the Python tool and re-run that might resolve your issue?
Kind regards,
The browser tool is empty, the dataframe is filled with just 8 records. I think the problem is how I built the dataframe: cannot convert list into series and then dataframe
SUCCESS: writing outgoing connection data 1 SUCCESS: writing outgoing connection data 2 SUCCESS: writing outgoing connection data 3
But nothing in output except first row for the dataframe in #1 output connection
That's the code:
from ayx import Alteryx
from zipfile import ZipFile
import fnmatch
import pandas as pd
import os
data = Alteryx.read('#1')
full_path_zip = data.iloc[0][0]
directory = data.iloc[0][1]
with ZipFile(full_path_zip,'r') as zipObj:
dataf= pd.DataFrame()
list_full_path = []
for path in os.listdir(directory):
full_path = os.path.join(directory,path)
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(full_path,'*.csv'):
file_size_list = []
for path in list_full_path: