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Oracle Client Error Connection

8 - Asteroid



I try to connect to an Oracle client database to extract data from but I keep getting an error that it cannot find my oracle client. I tried setting my path as such below and I still get the error it cannot find it.


- The wierd thing is in the user settings when I set the user path and try to install again it removes the user settings file path. 


"C:Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Engine\<ALTERYX VERSION>\UserSettings.xml


There you need to look for the following line and put your oracle client path:


<OracleInstantClientInstallPath NoInherit="False">C:\ProgramData\instantclient_12_1\</OracleInstantClientInstallPath>"


end result is I would like to connect to an Oracle DB using quick connect without having to remove and reinstall everything. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @AntlRo ,


Please go to the quick connect option on the input tool and select a new and blank folder for the oracle client to be downloaded.



Let me know if this works. If not, we can go ahead with a different process.



Fernando Vizcaino


7 - Meteor

I have tried every possible way.
Even change the user settings.
Still, I am unable to download.
I have checked with the IT team they have given all access to the folder.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Jafar ,


Take a look on this tutorial.


The option D says to:

Note: The install directory will be saved with the user settings and will only be visible to the user who installed the client. If you are installing this on a server or as an admin for another user on the machine, you should download the client directly from Oracle  ( Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) 64-bit  ) and follow the installation instructions provided by them at the bottom of the page


Best regards,

Fernando Vizcaino
