Hi all:
I need to open multiple zip files from a directory and analyse the data. Input tool can open multiple excel files by using wild card [*] but it can open one zip at a time.
I've found a suggestion but it's not working for me. Need your help. 🙂
Hi @tanvir_khan
The Dynamic Input can open multiple zip files, but the filenames within the zip file need to be the same. If you have dynamic file names, look at the solution offered here. It uses the Python Tool to read the list of files contained within the zip file.
Hi @danilang thanks a lot for sharing the post.
I'm trying the ZIP Files Metadata Extractor and Reader.yxzp as the file names are different in my case. But i'm struggling a bit to configure it.
1. Directory - I've set the input file location and specification as *.zip
2. Filter1 - I've changed the condition as OR instead of AND as I've got zip files only
3. ZIP reader - left as it is
4. Filter2 - no clue how to configure this
5. Formula1 - "FilesToRead" didn't get the use of it as well
Can you pls help me configure the flow if possible.
@ hi @tanvir_khan
The second filter is used to pick which files to input from the zip file. The configuration that you have loads all .csv files that contain "customer" in the name. The !Contains([FilesList],"MACOSX") removes the special MACOSX files that can be in some zip files so leave that clause in the filter. You'll have to configure the other 2(or more as required) clauses so that they match the files in the zip archive that your trying to read. Examine the file list that comes out of the 1st macro and see if you can find some kind of pattern to the file names that you want to read.