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ORA 01012 on Alteryx workflow.

5 - Atom

Hi All,


I have an Alteryx workflow that transforms a set of data and loads the output into an Oracle database.

A month ago, this workflow used to run for about 40 mins and complete successfully.


Of late this workflow runs for about 60-70 mins and then fails with the below error. I have tried to create a simple workflow that reads the data from this same oracle database and write into a new table on the database. This new workflow completes successful. So I know that Alteryx can connect to this oracle database just fine.


My guess is that because the workflow has started taking longer to run the Oracle connection gets timed out. Is there a way to control the timeout. Any other advise on what I should try on this one is also appreciated. Please help on getting this issue resolved.


Error in WorkflowàData Stream In (163)               DataWrapOCIBulk: Unable to prepare the Create Table Statement: Error: ORA-01012: not logged on Process ID: 12180 Session ID: 110 Serial number: 19956


Thanks & Regards,


13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @Rajeshri_S !


It sounds like the timeout is happening on the Oracle side. Perhaps you can work with your DBA to adjust the timeout. Here's some documentation on that:


You can also try updating your workflow to run more efficiently and/or batching your process.


Hope that helps! Other experts around here might be able to weigh in with more suggestions.




5 - Atom

Hi Deb,


Thanks for the reply. When I checked with Oracle DBA he had confirmed that the time out is 30 mins default for all users and cannot be changed. :(

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi again @Rajeshri_S 


That's unfortunate. Let us know if we can help you modify your workflow to work within that timeout limit. 


