Hi all,
I am having some trouble figuring out how to number a list based on criteria in alteryx. I have a list like the below and I am trying to number it the way i have it based on a formula in alteryx. Typically i think this would be done by a countif in excel but i cannot figure it out in Alteryx. I cannot find anything online about it besides info on the unique and coutnif tools/functions which is unhelpfl. Hoping someone can assist. Example:
ID Numbering
999 1
999 2
999 3
999 4
10001 1
10001 2
10001 3
10001 4
10001 5
89 1
89 2
2134 1
2134 2
2134 3
2134 4
2134 5
2134 6
Hey @visseras31, you ought to be able to use the Multi-Row Formula with the following configuration to tackle this:
Thanks for the quick reply and solution. This solved my issue seamlessly! You're the man.