Howdy - I am computing a simple percentage in Designer 2020.4 and wondering if there is a bug in the fixed decimal datatype.
I am computing a rate using the numbers below and it seems that if the denominator is negative, even through the numerator is 0, Alteryx gives the result -0.00 in the detail. Numerator and Denominator are doubles and the formula to compute the rate (FixedDecimal 19.2) is: Round([Numerator]/[Denominator],.1).
I am doing some grouping based on this rate downstream in my workflow, so the -0.00 is causing some records to "Fail" the grouping (i.e., they are showing up as a different rate category when in reality it should just group with 0). It seems the solution here is to compute the rate as a double and then convert the rate field to FixedDecimal using a select tool subsequent, but I don't understand why there would be a difference in this case:
Update: Noted version 2020.4 and uploaded sample data.
SOLUTION: Computing the rate as double with the round formula and then changing to fixed decimal gets rid of the -0.00 and gives the expected grouping downstream. Seems like an unnecessary 2 step process, but unless someone has a more elegant solution, I think this is resolved.
What verison of Alteryx are you running - and can you upload some sample data that is causing this?
Hello @apathetichell I updated the post, noted version 2020.4 and included a yxdb of examples.
I'm using Alteryx Designer 2023.1 with patch 3, and not able to duplicate your issue. Do you consider to update to the latest version?
If this is a bug with older version, maybe you can write a IF formula, check with result vs expected result and make a correction.
@albert_alaluf version update is not possible for me at this point, as noted, I was able to resolve by computing the rate as a double then changing to fixed decimal seems to fix the issue. Just wanted to see if this is something others were able to recreate or if this is a bug.
Definitely a weird one. Alteryx is showing the - sign but views it as equivalent to 0. If you filter for 0 (0.00, or 0.0 - pending your number of digits) - you can see it's equal to 0.
I'm also facing same issue
But when i filter = 0
then negative 0 is also getting filtered.
Version: 2022.3.1.553