I am taking values from database using DB in connect tool. There are values which we need to show as a list so that the end user can select multiple values using analytic app. Here the problem is some of the name values are having quotation in the name for example: Int''l-Japan
and i am using a filter for example : name in 'int''l-Japan' and in the update tool i am replacing string but removed one of the quote for example : 'int'l-Japan'
The end user is selecting other name values from the list including this option. But it is returning only the value for Int'l-Japan. Not returning values for any other name options selected from the listbox by the end user although they contain values.
Kindly guide where do i need to modify? is it action tool or filter or need any other tool to be added?
The sql query contains query as: where Name in ('Int''l-Japan', 'Apple Watch', 'Evening'). The user needs to select different Name option form the listbox.
i used filter of different name as: check attach filter
next i updated value in action tool: check action.png
Next i used generate custom tool in listbox. check listbox.png
next i am selecting Name which is containing Int'l in it as i need value for those as output.
It is giving me error.
check error.png.
Need guidance!
Can you attach the workflow? It will be tough to replicate since we don't have access to the database, but having the workflow might help give more context into where the root cause of the problem is.