Hi all,
I'm looking to output multiple Excel files in a .zip format, but the catch is that each file needs to be in it's own Zip file.
Here's the scenario....I have one output tool, relying on a formula tool to create multiple excel files based on a data column. The output tool creates multiple excel files using that data column as a unique identifier. .
Any suggestions?
Hi @Johnnyshore
I used a block until done and added a command line to loop thru each file created and zip it.
Please see screenshots below. Hope this helps or at least gives you an idea about how this could be achieved.
For me, 7 zip was installed in C:\Program Files\7-Zip. you can update the macro to the location of 7 Zip on ur machine, if it's not the same.
So I tried to download your workflow to look at the individual tools, but our company is on an older version of Alteryx, and it's giving me an error trying to unpack the workflow. I appreciate your reply, but I'm not sure how to get around the version compatibility issue (I'm not able to update without causing issues).
Hi @Johnnyshore
You can try https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/Adjusting-Alteryx-Files-for-Differe... to change the version to be compatible with your Designer's version.
Hope this helps!