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Multi line analysis

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Community,


I want to do some comparisons across multiple rows of data, more than what I think the multi-row formula tool can handle but correct me if I am wrong. I have two columns A and (A)^2 for each row. I want to set up: if there is another department part of the same entity and on the same day, I want to get the other row's A (let's call B for the rest of this post to be more clear) and their (B)^2 to be able to have (A)^2, A*B, and (B)^2 on that first row then the same thing for C, D, etc. 


The problem is, there are potentially more than 130 departments a part of an Entity on one particular day.


This way I can compare one department's A and A^2 to EVERY other Department's value if they are on the same day and part of the same entity.


Thank you in advance for any thoughts and help you can provide.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Maybe you can share a sample input and output so we can take a look. 😁

8 - Asteroid

Sure, I have attached some data. In terms of output, it would be something like:




But I will have to do some more analysis on it, so if you have a cleaner way of outputting it then I am all ears.


8 - Asteroid

hi @DerikSadowski 


I'm not sure, if I understood you, but I tried to do something: 


