Hi all,
I am trying to replicate the following functionality with alteryx multi-field formula tool:
column_list = pd.DataFrame(['Col1','Col2','Col3','Col4', 'Col5',
final_hr = pd.DataFrame()
for column in range(len(column_list)):
#Drop rows containing NAN for column 'col4' for new merge
hr_new.dropna(subset=[column_list.iloc[column,0]], inplace = True)
#Creating a new column for merge
#case folding
#Merge data
merged_data = pd.merge(hr_new, data, how='left', left_on='ID_final', right_on ='OtherID')
#Concatinating all data together
final_hr = final_hr.append(merged_data)
my thinking on the logic: For each iteration of the loop, it's taking each of the user ID fields(Col1 to Col 12) and writing that to the ID_final field. And then it tries to use that to join to "data". Then appends everything to final_hr dataframe.
What I have trouble replicating is the loop and writing that to an "ID_final" field , aswell as the final_hr.append part, not sure what this is exactly doing.
Any help would be appreciated.
hi @wonka1234
I'm not sure a multi-field formula tool will do exactly what you want here, but it would really help us if you could give us some sample data showing before and how you want it to be after