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Model Comparison tool Error (unexpected end of input)

Inactive User
Not applicable

I connected a liner regression model to Model Comparison tool and the "Error: unexpected end of input" error occured.

Could you please teach me how to resolve this error?



Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11) - x86_64
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Loading required package: sysfonts
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Loading required package: showtextdb
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: rgeos version: 0.4-2, (SVN revision 581)
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: GEOS runtime version: 3.6.1-CAPI-1.10.1
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Linking to sp version: 1.3-1
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Polygon checking: TRUE
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Attaching package: 'AlteryxPredictive'
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: The following object is masked from 'package:AlteryxRDataX':
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: XMSG
Error: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Error: unexpected end of input
Error: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: Execution halted
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#125: 0 レコードがTrueで、0はFalseでした
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#144: 0 レコードは0グループにサマライズされました
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#136: 0 レコードがTrueで、0はFalseでした
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#124: 0 レコードがTrueで、0はFalseでした
Info: Model Comparison (416): ツール#69: 0 レコードは0グループにサマライズされました
Error: Model Comparison (416): ツール#3: R.exeの終了コード(1)はエラーを示しました。

13 - Pulsar

Hi @Inactive User 


Is it possible that you provide a sample workflow of what you are trying to do? Or screenshots? What are the models you are comparing and how is your workflow set up?


I have attached an example of a Model Comparison to help you.



Inactive User
Not applicable

Dear ,

I'm sorry for late reply..
Thank you very much for your advice.

I tried some cases and found that when I input the data from the network drive or output the data to the network drive, the Model Comparison tool failed, but when I input the data from my desktop or output the data to my desktop, the Model Comparison tool success.
I used the path like below. Is there something wrong with the Network drive path?

ex. Network drive path


ex. My desktop path


I will share a sample workflow.
