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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Merging three outputs and stacking horizontally.

8 - Asteroid


I previously needed help transposing data which helped, however, now that I have correctly transposed, I need to merge the 3 outputs to one in what I thought was a union, however, it's not right. I have this as my set:


The output, as you can surmise is stacked, I need it horizontally like this:


SupplierColumn AColumn BColumn C
Supplier AIs Small XI
Supplier AIs LittleXI
Supplier BIs LargeYJ
Supplier BIs MediumYJ
Supplier CIs MediumZK
Supplier CIs TinyZK
Supplier DIs Small AL
Supplier DIs LargeAL
Supplier DIs MediumAM
22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Adam_B 

Can you provide some sample input and expected output It will help us get a better understanding of the usecase.

We will be happy to help : )

8 - Asteroid

Unless I am misunderstanding you, you need to use a Join. Join the records on the Supplier. 

If you could send the workflow and some sample data your question would make more sense.

8 - Asteroid

My apologies, here is the data

Data Set 1 
SupplierColumn A
Supplier AIs Small 
Supplier AIs Little
Supplier BIs Large
Supplier BIs Medium
Supplier CIs Medium
Supplier CIs Tiny
Supplier DIs Small 
Supplier DIs Large
Supplier DIs Medium
Data Set 2 
SupplierColumn A
Supplier AX
Supplier AX
Supplier BY
Supplier BY
Supplier CZ
Supplier CZ
Supplier DA
Supplier DA
Supplier DA
Data Set 3 
SupplierColumn A
Supplier AI
Supplier AI
Supplier BJ
Supplier BJ
Supplier CK
Supplier CK
Supplier DL
Supplier DL
Supplier DM
22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Adam_B 


Here is how you can do it. You can use join multiple tool and join on position.




Hope this helps : )

8 - Asteroid

@atcodedog05 Amazing, that was perfect, thank you.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help : ) @Adam_B 

Cheers and have a nice day!
