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Merging Formula Tools

5 - Atom

Hello All,


I have two instances of the Formula Tool in my workflow that I what like to combine into one.  Each instance adds more than 10 new columns with moderately complex formulas.   Is there a way to copy and paste the entire set of new columns, or even a single entire column, between the tools?  Copy-and-Paste of the new column Name and then Copy-and-Paste of the actual formula as a separate operation is the only approach I can find so far.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@JFRY  You can copy the xml. First, under options >> user settings >> advanced, make sure the display xml in properties window is checked. Then you can copy the and paste the xml in the formulaField tags. For example, I've highlighted this row below, used Control + C on my keyboard, and could then paste it into another formula tool by using the edit button on the top right.



5 - Atom

@patrick_digan Perfect!!  I can see using the XLM approach for a number of similar merge/edit situations. Thanks for quick response - YOU ROCK!
