Hi all - I am trying to determine the best tool and workflow logic to use to identify 'matches' across 2 data sets.
I'd like to match on a unique identifier and a date (exact and +/- days). Any ideas or thoughts on the best way to map out this logic? I've been exploring using fuzzy match or the join tool.
Don’t have my laptop to hand at the moment but you could generate extra rows for each record to reflect +/- however many days, match on the unique ID and those and then use a unique tool afterwards to remove the duplicates?
Hey @lamiah13,
Don't know how many +/- days you want but this is how I would do this:
The join on the unique identifier is straight forward (shown above). For the +/- a few days I would use the generate rows tool, It will let you generate the days +/- for each row going from this:
To this:
That way you can join on this new date column and endure everything is passed through if it is within (in this case a 7 day window).
Please ask if any questions :)