I need to append to an existing excel worksheet, I have created a few formulas that need to be exported as numeric data and not string. The string does preserve the formulas that are created but we need them to be numeric in excel so we can get the totals and sum of the columns. When we export the formulas with numeric data only the value appends to the sheet and the formulas are lost. The sheet will be modified using the formulas as multiple sheets are being read off of these formulas with sumifs and vlookups. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi! Quick question.. can you prepare existing excel file where you'll append the output with the formula you need? So when the alteryx out is appended the computation needed is done in excel and formula is preserved as well(?) .
@ebentrup can you show an example of how the formulas are set up in Alteryx and what it looks like when it writes to Excel?
I write formulas out of a workflows as V_String and it works correctly when it hits Excel
Thank you for the reply.
Im still getting it to show up as #value for me in my excel file. I need to have it be a numerical value when it goes into Excel but retain the formula for updating the rows and other sheets.
Can you share a sample workflow containing your error?
If there's something funny that can't be worked out, then you could try wrapping the formula in Value() to see if that forces it.
But I do think the better solution is to work out why it's working as expected in the above response but not in yours.
Thank you for the reply, I did try the value in the formula but I still didnt get what I was hoping for. For now we are going to just use an excel macro to fill down the rows with the existing formulas. Alteryx did mention that it doesnt work the way I was thinking of.