Hi all,
Can you please help me?
I want to iterate each row of start Dist with all rows in columns- (Length, Dist and Depth) and calculate the max depth based on conditions and groups.
I have around 5000 groups and checking even though it's possible to do in Alteryx. Attaching an example herewith.
@pri_GIS What is the logic to for calculating the max depth?
Trying to calculate depth based on the following logic in excel-
IF(AND(Start Dist>=Dist, Start Dist<=(Dist+Length*0.0833333)),Depth,0)
Then creating maximum depth profile based on -
Take maximum depth from given number of segments/features. In this example taken max from 4 segments from group 1.
Thank you so much @AdamR_AYX for your response. I am checking the solution and let you know.
Thank you so much @AdamR_AYX for dedicating your time and your effort to it. I appreciate your great solution.