I have an iterative macro where I have one or more groups of records. Each group has a unique Column ID or Column Name. My macro works perfectly with one group of records (one Column ID or Column Name group). As soon I remove the Filter, RecordID, and the Formula tool, my macro stops working properly because of two or more groups of records. The formula is IF [RecordID] = 1 THEN [calculation_formula] ELSE "" ENDIF. It was the only way until I found that my Multi-Row tool works. The expression of the multi-row tool is IF Contains([calculation_formula],[Calculation ID]) THEN Replace([calculation_formula],[Calculation ID],[Calculation Alias])
ELSE Replace([Row-1:calculation_formula], [Calculation ID], [Calculation Alias]) ENDIF. I don't know what I am doing wrong with the multi-row tool because I thought it was going to work when I checked to mark the Group option by Column ID after I removed the Filter, RecordID, and the Formula tool to use only the Multi-Row tool, but it didn't work properly. I sorted the values before using the multi-row tool, but it didn't work either. In my example data, it must return only three unique values for three different groups. I did different things to make this thing work. I really appreciate any help or feedback. At this point, I cannot see what I am doing wrong. Thanks.
I just found the solution.