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Issue with Block Until Done

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I have a workflow that writes a set of records to SQL. It should first write records in the "Update; Insert If New" container, and after that is done it should continiue with the "Write Log" container. I've set up a Block Until Done tool as displayed in the screenshot, but when I run the workflow it does not pass any data through it. It stops at the select tool before the Block Until Done tool, and the result window says "Memory limit reached. Use a Browse tool to view full results". I've overridden the memory limit on both tool and designer level, so this is not the issue.


Any thoughts? 



7 - Meteor

Surprisingly it worked when I disabled AMP in the workflow settings.

19 - Altair

Can you mark my solution as correct - "turn off amp" is one of my usual first suggestions - so sorry for the delay.


I had this same issue, was getting a "memory limit reach - use browse tool" message whenever I tried to view browse tabs near the end of my workflow. I added browse tools - no data was being written to the browse tools. 


I turned off AMP as suggested by @apathetichell  and ran the workflow and it ran normally and I did not encounter the error. I never had this issue on 2021.2, only when I updated to 2022.3. I had previously changed both my designer settings and the workflow runtime settings to utilize more memory, but this did not fix the problem. 

6 - Meteoroid

Issue started on my machine after upgrading SW.   All my old workflows no longer run... grrrrrrr

5 - Atom

Same! Ty for fix

7 - Meteor

May I ask how toggling off AMP would help?

19 - Altair

@BetoZM How or Why? Turning off Amp works in some versions with BUD issues because BUD expects a singular thread. Ie it waits until X is done before doing Y. In a multi-thread approach X is never told that Y is done so it just hangs. I see this in situations with workflow errors and BUD tools where instead of flagging the error the workflow just hangs.
