My input file has Hyperion formulas. Before I utilize Alteryx to extract & join certain data, I need my Hyperion formulas to be refreshed within my input file. Is there a way to connect to Hyperion so that when I run my workflow, all of the Hyperion formulas within my input file are refreshed?
Hi @erica_tax2019 ,
are you using the formulas to calculate within Excel or is it just SmartView/HSGetValue? Which Hyperion product do you use? Hyperion Financial Management, Hyperion Planning, Hyperion Essbase?
I am using Hyperion Financial Management. Within the excel file, I have embedded formulas to pull from Hyperion so that my data is always the most recent. In order to refresh my formulas within the excel file, I usually click on "Smart View" & refresh all worksheets in order to update the excel file.
I think the most simple solution would be to use Excel VBA to execute the "Refresh All" (e.g. using HypMenuVRefreshAll) within the workbook. Then you'll have to create a small VB Script to Open - Calculate - Save to Excel workbook. This could be called using the RunCommand tool in Alteryx. What do you think?
@RolandSchubert has a good suggestion. Here is an article that goes over the process:
The one tweak that I would suggest you make is instead of using a run command tool in the workflow to execute the VBA script, you would actually use a workflow event to do a run command before workflow run as seen below:
Thank you for your suggestions.
I am not very familiar with VBA scripts, but I will read the article that you sent over to try & figure it out!
Feel free to let us know if you get stuck! You can think of a VBA script as just a little bit of code to automatically kick off the press of your SmartView button in Excel.
Great! Thank you!!
If anyone comes across this in the future, the VBA code to execute what is suggested would be a worksheet calculate:
Thank you for this write up @JoeL!