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Input multiple excel files

8 - Asteroid

So I have tried a few things to do this and none seem to be consistent. 


I have a "parent folder" named ENT. Within the parent folder is week.


So, within ENT is:




8/15/2022  Etc....


Within each of those files are 4 files OPEN/CDO/ SENT/ HOLD.


I want to create an alteryx query that brings in every week's CDO within the parent folder ENT. 


I have tried wild card and it only gives me the path name and I try wildcard with batch and I get a bunch of gibberish! Can anyone provide some insight?

17 - Castor

Hey @kpontarollo, from the question I'm guessing these files are the same, the data within them just changes weekly? If so, you could use the following approach...


1 - Directory tool: Set the 'Directory' to your parent ENT folder and tick 'Include Subdirectories'




2 - Filter: You only want 'CDO' files, so set a condition that the FileName needs to contain CDO




3 - Dynamic Input: Under 'Input Data Source Template' select one of the CDO files (this will act as a template schema-wise), change 'Read a List of Data Sources' to Field > FullPath and Action > Change Entire File Path




If your files can be different or there is a variation in schema (number/position/naming of columns etc) then this will require a batch macro approach.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @kpontarollo 


In addition to what @DataNath has posted you may also find this useful, it's a good go-to guide when you're working with and inputting multiple files!
