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In-DB Stream Out Tool Error - SQLExtendedFetch; Communication Link Error

5 - Atom

I'm using a Netezza connection, SQL query that intermittently generates an error in my workflow called  SQLExtendedFetch; Communication Link Error on the stream out tool. If I run the workflow multiple times (without any changes) the error comes and goes without any identifiable cause. CPU/RAM/Wi-fi all have plenty of capacity and are not increasing when the workflow runs. The data can be a few million records with a few fields usually less than 10; I'm unsure what data types Alteryx is assigning to the data when pulled from the database but most would be fixed decimal (<19.2), double (8), or int (8) with limited sizes. The data isn't small but I have other workflows with considerably larger records/fields/types and more complex or less efficient SQL queries that do not have this issue. The one time I can reliably control whether the error occurs is by adjusting the date range used on the SQL (must reduce to just 1 day as opposed to week/month/multiple) or by limiting the number of records to return. Reducing the size of the data to remove the error just generates another issue as I then have to add another series of data-ins/tools for the remaining records (I need 1 month total / all the records for the current period); this either results in the "you have found a bug" error from having multiple in-db tools connected to the same table or I get the same Communication Link Error issue as on the first stream. The other alternative has been to use control containers and/or generate multiple workstream files for each portion of the records. I submitted a ticket to Alteryx team for the bug and the solution they gave was to reduce the amount of records in the Connect In-DB setup. I've tried a Ram upgrade to the laptop, updated drivers and ensured I have the correct ones, updating Alteryx version, re-trying by replacing all the instances of the tools, breaking workflows into smaller multiple workflows, reducing the overall total amount of data coming from connections within a workflow. I cannot get the total amount of data I need in a reasonable amount of total workflows (usually takes 30 or more and sometimes that isn't an option due to SQL/connection) and absolutely cannot attempt to get all the data within a workflow as that triggers the error or the bug. I've read the community posts for similar issues and couldn't locate a solution. 


Is there any additional troubleshooting that can be performed to see if the error can be resolved?

Do you have any suggestions on workarounds?

5 - Atom

Would add - other programs such as Access have no issue generating or exporting the same data involved in generating the error. 

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