I am working on a WF where I have columns as
ABC Fund | PQR Fund |. XTZ Fund
2.0. N/A. N/A
4.0. N/A. N/A
N/A. N/A 5.0
N/A. N/A. 4.0
Now I have to add a new column and set a formula there on the basis of these 3 columns that if any of these 3 column contains any value then it should reflect in new column else N/A.
What do you want to see if more than one column has a value?
New column
Thankyou for the help but this is not exactly what I am looking for.
I want in these 3 columns only 1 row will have the numeric value. So whichever column contains the value should be reflect in the NEW COLUMN.
And N/A here is Not applicable which is field name so don't think can change it to 0.
Hi @Tid14
Use formula like below
IF [ABC Fund]!="N/A." THEN [ABC Fund]
ELSEIF [PQR Fund]!="N/A." THEN [PQR Fund]
ELSEIF [XTZ Fund]!="N/A." THEN [XTZ Fund]
Hope this helps : )