Is there a way to 'apply' a regular expression formatting to an unformatted value of data?
So for example, if my current data contains a field for Social Security Number like this "123456789", could I somehow feed in the Regular Expression requirement like "[\d]{3}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{4}" to reshape all SSN values to "123-45-6789"?
Thank you!
Yes, but NO!!!
Regex_Replace([SSN], "(\d3)(\d2)(\d4)", '$1-$2-$3')
Left([SSN],3) + "-" + Substring([SSN],3,2) + "-" + Right([SSN],4)
The String functions (2nd) expression is much more efficient.
Edit: same as the above solution by @MarqueeCrew. And he has a good point string function are faster than regex 🙂. Just make sure data type of SSN is string before using the above functions.
You can use regex_replace like below
REGEX_Replace(ToString([SSN]), "(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{4})", "$1-$2-$3")
Hope this helps : )