Hello Team,
I am looking for a solution which can help me to identify US English words used in my data in British English.
For example in my data "paediatric" is spelled as "pediatric" which should get replaced with correct one (in my scenario with British English word).
My data is in excel file format.
Hey @vinodbombale,
Two options I would try is one using the find and replace tool:
Or two use an API to do this localization - Is there an API to convert US English (en_US) into UK English (en_GB)? - Stack Overfl...
@vinodbombale As @IraWatt mentioned Find and Replace is one option. You can see more examples in the Find and Replace tool itself
Tool Mastery | Find Replace rechercher et remplacer suchen/ersetzen (alteryx.com)
No worries @vinodbombale :) in what sense is find and replace not automated, once you have the dictionary it should automatically work on any dataset? Here is a dictionary American-British-English-Translator/data at master · hyperreality/American-British-English-Translato... used on American English to British English Translator (codewordsolver.com). I believe they used wiki as the source.
In terms of API you could write a script to fire text here Translate US English to UK English Converter Tool (infoenglish.net) and get a result.