Hello everyone
i am trying to write a logic in alteryx to compare the data between multiple columns and group based on the data input. below is the formula which is written in excel however i want to replicate the same in alteryx as well, can someone please guide me here! i have also attached the dummy file FYR
IF(AND(OR(total revenue<>""),OR(Company="Recognized")),"Client",IF(AND(OR(total revenue<>""),OR(Company<>"Recognized")),"Unrecognized Client",IF(AND(OR(total revenue<=0),OR(Company="Recognized"),OR(Owner<>"")),"Prospect", IF(AND(OR(total revenue<=0),OR(Company=<>"Recognized"),OR(Owner="")),"Uncovered","None"))))
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @SiddeshDhruva , take a look at the formula below or the attached solution and let me know what you think:
IF [Total Revenue] != Null() AND [Company] = "Recognized" THEN "Client"
ELSEIF [Total Revenue] != Null() THEN "Unrecognized Client"
ELSEIF [Banker] != Null() THEN "Prospect"
ELSEIF [Company] != "Recognized" THEN "Uncovered"
ELSE "None"
Your excel formula is a bit overcomplicated as well, so that may be increasing any difficulty you are having.
You can condense it to be this and end up with the same result.
=IF(AND(D2<>"",B2="Recognized"),"Client",IF(AND(D2<>"",B2<>"Recognized"),"Unrecognized Client",IF(AND(D2<=0,B2="Recognized",C2<>""),"Prospect", IF(AND(D2<=0,B2<>"Recognized",C2=""),"Uncovered","None"))))
To translate that into Alteryx using the headers in your dummy file, it would look like this
!IsNull([Total Revenue]) and [Company]="Recognized" then "Client"
!IsNull([Total Revenue]) and [Company] != "Recognized" then "Unrecognized Client"
([Total Revenue]<=0 or isnull([Total Revenue])) and [Company] = "Recognized" and !IsNull([Banker]) then "Prospect"
([Total Revenue] <=0 or isnull([Total Revenue])) and [Company] !="Recognized" and IsNull([Banker]) then "Uncovered"
else "None" endif