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ID not showing in 'J' anchor of Join

5 - Atom

Hello Everyone,

I have a QQ if anyone can help me on this.

I Have an ID which is present in 2 inputs L and R of the join but not pulling through the J Anchor.

After the join we have also applied a Union, from L, J and R anchors in which the ID is displayed in 2 separate rows instead of one row.

Kindly help us how to rectify this and get the data in one row. Thank you!



12 - Quasar

Do you have some sample data and a sample workflow to work with? This happens to me sometimes when there are leading or trailing spaces in the fields I want to join. If the join field is really a number, then you wouldn't have that problem unless there were hidden numbers after the decimal, which is why you get a warning when you try to join on Double or Float.

5 - Atom

if you know there are similar IDs in both sets of data and nothing makes it to the J anchor then this is likely a data-type issue. Throw a select tool before the L and R inputs and make sure the IDs are either strings or numbers (V_WString or Double). Then you can add on a data cleansing tool to make sure there are no trailing spaces as Prometheus mentioned. This should allow identical IDs to make it to the J Anchor.

If there are still issues, it would help to provide a sample of data for us to investigate.

12 - Quasar

@JoeyChe In your original post, you said, "After the join we have also applied a Union, from L, J and R anchors in which the ID is displayed in 2 separate rows instead of one row." Make sure you have your Union tool configured correctly. If you set it to Auto Config by Name, it will stack records on top of each other that have the exact same column name. If you configure the Union tool to Auto Config by Position, then it will choose the column names of the first connection.


In the attached workflow, I'm using three datasets. File1 and File2 have the same three columns, but File2 has an extra column. File3 has the four columns that File2 has, but with very different column headers. The workflow shows how the data looks with the two configurations. You could also manually configure the Union tool, but just know that if a change upstream, such as a column being added or deleted after you configured the tool, you'll have to go back into the Union tool and click in it, then click the canvas to get it to take the changes.








Auto Config by Name

By Name.PNG

Auto Config by Position

By Pos.PNG

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