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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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I want to connect multiple sheets from one file and add columns for each sheet name

5 - Atom

I want to connect multiple sheets from one file and add columns for each sheet name.

I don't know what to do after getting the Sheet Names by specifying "import only the list of sheet names" in the input tool. I know to use the Dynamic Input tool, but I don't understand the options and other settings.

Please help me if you know the solution.

Thank you!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Ardueeee ,


I'm attaching an example showing how to combine sheetnames column with the dynamic output tool.

For this to work, all sheets must have the same structure.



Fernando Vizcaino

5 - Atom



I could resolve the problem by your suggestion.

Thank you for your kindness!


Best regards


ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus


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Learn more about Accepted Solutions here.

Thank you!
