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How to use Interface tools to update date value in my SQL command (in Input Tool)

8 - Asteroid



I am using an input Tool to retrieve data from Teradata using SQL query on the basis of Start date and end date. I want to get these dates as and when the query is run. I saw about using Interface tool and tried them but it is not working even asking me for the dates. Can some one please guide me where i am going wrong.

8 - Asteroid

Thanks both for your help on this. I realized where I went wrong.

1) I have to use "update with Formula" which was mentioned yesterday by @AkimasaKajitani but it was not working for me because of the second reason

2) In the replace formula, I was using "Enter Start Date" instead of "Destination" which was advised by both @AkimasaKajitani and @grazitti_sapna 


As I missed the important point, it took more time. now it is working perfectly. 


Thanks a lot for your time and help on this one @AkimasaKajitani  and @grazitti_sapna 

17 - Castor

You're most welcome @RaghavanR , I am glad we were able to help you.




Sapna Gupta