New to Alteryx--hoping this is actually simple (but not finding this exact case in the existing questions related to "csv" files):
I want to read .csv files that come from a system that writes them with an LF ($0A) as the record delimiter. Seems like the Input tool should have options to configure what the record separator is, but since it doesn't, I get the "too many fields in record #1" error. I can read the records with a /0 delimiter and then use Text to Columns to split them up into columns by the "," delimiter, and then use a Select to rename the columns, but I have a lot of different files and this would be a real pain to manually rename all the columns. Is there a way to get Alteryx to use the first record as "headers" and name the columns accordingly in this scenario with Text To Columns (or some other tool)?
All my files look similar to this:
@Bill_Richardson you can define the delimiter and the fact that the first row of the data = the field headers in parts 5 and 6 of the Input Data tool configuration, after you select that you're inputting a .csv:
Nothing defined gives a single, messy field:
Defining the comma as a separator and ticking that the first row contains field names:
If you have a different delimiter, you should just be able to type that in where I have a comma. I believe LF in Alteryx should be '\n' as the delimiter.
I realize that Steps 5 and 6 let you choose a delimiter and "first rows contain"; however, that does not work here. The file comes from an environment where the records are separated by an "LF" ($0A) instead of CRLF ($0D$0A as is common in Windows, etc.). This makes Alteryx error out when reading the file as I noted in the original post.
Thus the use of /0 for delimiter, and Text to Columns, and Select to get the data. The real question, is: Does Alteryx have a way to read files where the records are separated by LF's? Excel opens these .csv files easily--has no problem with LF vs CRLF, so I'm wondering where the attribute is to tell Alteryx what the record delimiter is. Or if there's a straightforward way to dynamically rename the columns using the "header row".
@Bill_Richardson have you tried using \n as a delimiter?
Yes, I tried \n. Alone, it produces the same result as no delimiter (entire line becomes a row). You can't combine \n with anything because if you do, you get:
"Error: Input Data (1): Newline (\n escape) is only allowed for the complete delimiter: \n,"
Just a final update on this. Ultimately, I've come to the conclusion that the issue was not with the record separators. In some files, I had the "too many fields in record #1" issue with CRLF separated files as well. I used the excellent thread on "too many fields in record #1" at to solve the issue. In particular, the idea of using the Dynamic Rename tool to get the true column names from the first record was most helpful.