Hello experts,
The title might be a bit confusing. Basically I'm importing a password protected sheet using R in alteryx.
I used the imbedded R in Alteryx workflow, the R code is below:
if(!require(excel.link)){install.packages(c("excel.link"),repos='https://cran.revolutionanalytics.com/',dependencies = TRUE)}
df <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
filename <- as.character(df[1,"FullPath"])
excel_pwd <- as.character(df[1,"excel_password"])
excel_data <- xl.read.file(filename, password = excel_pwd, write.res.password=excel_pwd)
excel_data <- as.data.frame(excel_data)
excel_data[] <- lapply(excel_data, as.character)
write.Alteryx(excel_data, 1)
The problem is the data is too huge (has 20k+ rows), so after 20min, there isn't any output.
Can anyone helps me out in this case? Any suggestion?
Thank you!
How long does this code take to run (sans Alteryx component) in R Studio?
This isn't erroring out? I usually see Alteryx fullpaths as "x:\...\...\" vs R wanting "x:/.../" etc...