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How to find density

10 - Fireball

i'm having spatial output of customers within 3miles is 322 and customers within 3 to 5 miles is 285,then how to find out density of customers between them 

11 - Bolide

@haroon_sa - density is calculated as customers divided by square miles.

you can get the square miles of a trade area by using the SpatialInfo tool.

10 - Fireball

Thanks a lot @Dynamomo.i got it

7 - Meteor

Still can't figure out how, In AreaSqMi field, I am getting all zeros. Please help.

11 - Bolide

@nitinpatkar1984 - when you are using the SpatialInfo tool, be sure that you are pointing to the spatial object that represents the area object (ie. trade area) and not a point/centroid for the Spatial Object Field.  

7 - Meteor

Perfect. Thank you.

5 - Atom




5 - Atom

I have the same problem here, I have the number of people per mile(285 between 0 and 3 miles and 322 between 3 and 5 miles) but I don't know how to calculate the density.

8 - Asteroid

Create Trade area for 3 miles and 5 miles and derive their respective trade area objects.Then using spatial input tool find the area(sq.miles). Add the trade area spatial object as the input for spatial object filed for spatial info.
So now you have trade area of 0-3 and 0-5.To find area sq miles of 3-5,find the difference between these 2 results.

Then find population densities of respective areas using the formula  Number of peoples/area of sq miles 

5 - Atom
Thanks for your response.I have the result :D
I did alike what you say :
1-Find nearest 3-5 & find nearest 0-3
2-Trade area
3-Spatial info
Then I have my result