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How to convert % percentage sign to number in a simple way

5 - Atom



i want to find out a simple way to translate the numeric data with the "%" percentage sign to a recognizable format, is there any simple way to do that?


please note, the variable blends with normal format value like 1.23 and "%" format value like 45.6%



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

That's pretty much all you would do to a string.

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @charmrain


Firstly - let me thank you for posting an example flow with mocked up data - makes getting you to an exact solution much much easier :-)


I've added 2 pieces to your workflow.   The first one is wrong and doesn't work but is interesting because of the way it works, and the second works.


First version:

- Uses a data cleanse to strip punctuation, and then an auto-field to change the type

- This looks like the easy way to do this - but the bear-trap here is that the decimal place is also punctuation, so all of your numbers get turned into integers


Second Version:

- this uses a formula to do a simple replace of % with blank

- then does a data cleanse to strip whitespace, and auto-field to change the type


Second version does what you need.


If you're still curious - there's a great video by @JoeM in the live training weekly (here: that will tell you how to adapt the Data Cleanse tool to give you the option to just strip off  % signs, in case this is a very frequent need of yours.


Hope this helps - if so could you mark it as solved - and if not, feel free to come back with questions or updates on the workflow.




5 - Atom

Thanks for the quick reply.


i think there's a big problem with "Trim([field],"%")"


it will make 43.2% to 43.2 instead of 0.432. 


how could convert 43.2% to 0.432?


Thanks very much!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

How about that? You can put that to a double data type or use select to modify the type.
Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Got it - so if I understand correctly you want to :

- Treat things with % as a percentage, and then convert them back to fractions of 1 (e.g. 50% becomes 0.5)

- treat things without % as if they are already as fractions of 1?


Easy way to do this would be:

- Add a filter tool

- use the "Contains" and use %

- This way you get 2 streams of data - the ones with the % sign, and the ones without

- For the ones with the percentage sign - do exactly what we've done above (replace the % with blank, cleanse, fix type) - and then add in a formula tool to divide by 100

- for the ones without the percentage sign - just do the cleanse an fix type

- then use a union tool to stick both streams back together.


I've attached an updated workflow to demonstrate.


5 - Atom

Hi Sean and 


thanks all of your kind help.


a new function marked as "simple solution" has been updated, i believe it's simpler for solving the mock case  :) 



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