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How to configure JavaScript Plugin Output Only Connector

5 - Atom



I am taking the example given with the install called JavascriptPluginExample and modifying it for my use.  Currently, I do not need it to have an input and an output. Instead, it only needs an output.  However, when I try to remove this....


<Connection Name="Input1" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="True" Type="Connection" Label="T"/>


From the Config file, and then remove...


IncomingConnections: [{
type: "Input1",
GroupInfo: {
count: 0,
grouping: "false"


from the engine file, the connector will not longer work and instead take forever to run, and then timeout.  I guess I am just confused as to what all needs to be removed from these files to get it to be only an output connector and have no input. In a response, if you could take the example given in the install, and remove what all needs removing for it to work, I would appreciate it a lot.




5 - Atom

For those of you that are confused as I was on what to remove from the JavascriptPluginExample, it is actually quite easy. All you have to do is remove the following 3 lines from the Config file....


<Connection Name="Input1" AllowMultiple="False" Optional="True" Type="Connection" Label="T"/>


And then in the Engine file, you change the DefineConnections function like....


Alteryx.Plugin.DefineConnections = function () {
      return {
         IncomingConnections: [],
         OutgoingConnections: [{
              name: "Output"


After these changes, I no longer get the timeout errors and everything looks and works correctly.Hope this helps at least one person out there.


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