How can I download Alteryx Designer Core Micro-Credential: General Knowledge Exam Results pdf certificate
There is no corresponding certificate that comes with certification - just your badges on the Community/Credly!
The email saying you passed is the best alternate solution.
Edit: Credly does provide a certificate if you dig into it - under the "Share" button.
@PSiri you will be required to create an account on Credly
Once the examination is cleared, you will be able to download the certificate after 24 hours.
I hope this information is helpful to you.
Yes I did that thank you for your information..
But, I need to submit the exam results pdf to eduskills foundation certificate verification but my badge certificate is getting rejected, I don't know what to submit other than this..
That will be an issue to ask "eduskills" about - If they want the exam results, perhaps they want the email with the passing percentage.