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How can I push my Workflow Configuration Start and End Date into Dynamic Input Tool?

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


I'm using the Workflow Configuration screen to Input a Start and End Date when running my workflow. Those Start and End Dates are referenced in various formulas. However, I wanted to pass those Start and End Dates dynamically into my ODBC connection in a SQL statement for a WHERE date >= Start Date and WHERE date <= End Date based off the user's input of the Workflow Config section. I see a Dynamic Input tool would be useful here, but how would I reference those Workflow Config start and end dates there? Any help is appreciated!


I would suggest maybe something like is shown below. You can use a Text Input tool with some placeholder value followed by a formula tool that creates the start date and end date columns using the constants that you have defined. Then you follow that with a Dynamic Input tool which updates the WHERE clause. 


dynamic input.png


8 - Asteroid

Hi @BrandonB ,


Would you be able to show me what that text input would look like? Also would this replace the user workflow configuration I currently have for start and end dates? I'm referring to those fields in my formula tools so would I have to replace those?


The text input just needs something in it, but you won't be using the value in there so just put the number 1 or something so that there is data in a cell. This would not replace the constants that you have set. If you use the constant in a formula tool to create a new column it will pull the value from the constant that you have set. 

8 - Asteroid

Thank you so much!
