Hi All,
Can someone help me how to correct the date format
Below error:-
Required Output
Hi @ShreyaSharma,
I have created two solutions for you. One is showing the data in date format - as I imagine that is what you require and the second one is providing you with a string with exactly the same format that you have specified.
I believe you should check the filed DateTime_Out.
Please let me know if this was helpful!
Hi @ShreyaSharma,
If you wanted to have a date format in the required output format I don't think it is possible as Alteryx only accepts iso format:
Alteryx supports the native ISO format of yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS (e.g., 2016-02-10 14:55:00)
If you want to have the output in the desired format it needs to be a string format that is why I have provided you with two different columns as a solution.
Hi Eric,
below null is showing 😞
HI @ShreyaSharma , try this I guess you are using custom format whereas the format is already described in the tool.
Also I have prepared 2 solutions for you, can refer to any.
The required output is not possible without manual intervention.
In Excel all strings are left aligned and all other values are right align.
In your error output the date is considered as string.
You can the desired output only by manual changing the date format.
Hope this helps and gives you a understanding 🙂
Hi @ShreyaSharma,
I am Emil 😛
I have downloaded the solution that I have attached to my e-mail and it works good. It is a kind of magic for me why it doesn't for you.
Hi Eric,
Are you not getting below errror..
Hi @ShreyaSharma , the format you are using is not correct as shown in the screenshot.
Correct format %d-%b-%y or if you are using datetime tool then dd-Mon-yy should be the format.