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Help needed to understand expression

8 - Asteroid

Could you please help me understand what the following expression implies -

!IsNull([Country])&&[Country]!= "U.S."

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hi @JitenderChawla ,


This expression is a condition and tests the value of your field [Country] in the following way :

   - !IsNull([Country]) : the function IsNull() tests if the value of the given field, [Country] in your case, is null or not. It returns "True" if it is null and "False" if it is not null. The "!" mark before the function represents the keyword "NOT" which means that it takes the opposite of the result of the function IsNull(). So if "IsNull()" returns "True" then "!IsNull()" returns "False".

   - [Country]!= "U.S." : != means "different" so it tests if the value of [Country] is "U.S." or not. it will return "True" if the value isn't "U.S." and "False" if it is.

   - && : this symbol means "AND". It assembles the two previous conditions and means that both of them have to be "True" for the entire expression to be "True". If at least one of them is "False", the whole expression is "False".


Don't hesitate if it isn't enough clear or if you have questions.





8 - Asteroid

Hi @JitenderChawla 


It means that your country column will have output except Null and U.S. values.

