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Grab data from particular data element from HTML of web page

8 - Asteroid

Hi community


I have a public web page here as an example:


I need Alteryx to pull the License Expiration Date which in this case is 9/29/2024


I have a WF attached to pull the HTML. 


I am not HTML expert, but it looks like the below is the element I need:

<a id="ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_ucConditon_gdvConditionList_ctl01_lnkExpirationDateHeader" title="Expiration Date " onclick="SetNotAskForSPEAR();" href="javascript&colon;__doPostBack(&#39;ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$ucConditon$gdvConditionList$ctl01$lnkExpirationDateHeader&#39;,&#39;&#39;)"><span>Expiration Date </span></a>


how do I get Alteryx to read the actual expiration in so that the data shows 9/29/2024


Thank you!!!

12 - Quasar

Hello, @MemphLantAntonio.


There seems to be an issue with the data received from your request using the Download tool.


Have you considered using Python instead? I mention this because Python is well suited to scraping data from HTML using libraries such as Beautiful Soup and Selenium.

8 - Asteroid

I just noticed that, you are right, if I "save" as the page to look at the HTML from Edge, I see the Expiration Date in the HTML, but that is not in the WF results that come out of the download tool


Python or R were going to be my next steps but was hoping to be able to do this in Alteryx

12 - Quasar

@MemphLantAntonio yeah that may be tough to debug in Designer. I highly suggest Python, especially since ChatGPT has a Code Interpreter (in Beta mode, available if you pay for the monthly subscription) which is great at helping with Python.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @MemphLantAntonio 


If you want to keep an Alteryx framework around the project, maybe for scheduling on the server, have a look at this Article that gives examples of how to use Selenium within Alteryx.



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