Hi guys,
I was trying to solve the below problem using fuzzy match. I want to find companies from AI dataset with S dataset. Then removing duplicates in source S.
I created workflow using Fuzzy match but it seems not working. I found few companies were left out even they have common names in both sources.
Thanks in advance.
Common names in both sources won't necessarily lead to a fuzzy match. First, the keys must match.
At the bottom left, under Advanced Options, check the option for Output Generated Keys. For those records you think should match, are the keys the same?
Take a look at these videos:
Fuzzy Matching for Beginners 2018-12-11
Introduction to Fuzzy Matching 2016-12-13
Fuzzy Matching Intermediate Users 2016-07-26
Here's a list of all videos: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Videos/bd-p/live-training
The first link is the Video Training Index: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Videos/Video-Training-Index/td-p/45161
Sorry, it has some confidential info. Let me cleanup and add into this.
Just wondering if anyone tried and found the success. Please keep me posted.
You attached the workflow (yxmd) file, so we don't have these 2 input files:
S data.xlsx
AI data.xlsx
In Alteryx Designer, under the menu item for Options , use Export Workflow to package your workflow and input files into a single zip file (yxzp) and attach that zip file to this thread.
Hi @bpatel1 - I changed a few things in your workflow:
1) Record ID for AI now starts from 100,000. You do want it to be unique.
2) Record ID field in the Fuzzy Match tool must be Record ID
3) Match Style basis is Company Name.
4) You may now change the Threshold in both Fuzzy Match tool and Match Style to tune how many records you want to match.
5) Finally, you do want to remove duplicate matches. I added a Unique tool
Hi ArtApa,
Thanks for your help.