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Find Replacing specific cells in table and Looping through multiple iterations




I am trying to rename a specific cell in my semi-unformatted dataset:



I want to edit the 4 Placeholder values in this data. The way I currently have it setup is to use 4 Find/Replace tools:



Using a Rename Grid like this: - 



And then output the file with the renamed values


Had two questions from this:

1. Is there a way I can have Alteryx target a specific cell (e.g. change Cell B4 "Placeholder1" --> "Blue" -- instead of the Find replace tool that looks at column F2 / F6

           This would avoid the case where there are multiple "Placeholder1" values in column F2. I only want Alteryx to change cell Placeholder1 in cell B4.

2. Is there a way to iterate this workflow, so if I add a second row to my Rename grid -- two output files will be produced, with the two different sets of renamed Placeholder values? Want to eventually add 6 entries in my Rename grid


RenameGrid 2.PNG


Workflow and input dataset attached.

Thank you!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

If you want to specify the Cell for naming update, it is reasone to assume that we can provide the Cell information in your Name Grid. 

I always use the Combination of Transpose and Cross Tab if we have to deal multiple columns.

A quick sample attached here for single batch and multiple Batch, hope it will help.



Amazing! Thank you @Qiu for the attached workflow and solution! I was able to apply the workflow to output 6 different "batches" of find/replaces in a single workflow run!


Very cool solution to use the tile tool to label rows and columns, and then join by rows and columns to target a specific cell! I've never used this tool before so cool to see.


Also very neat to setup each set of renames as batches, and then output each batch of files. I noticed that this method seems to run faster than the find/replace workflow as well.


Thanks a lot again!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Glad to help 😂
