Having an issue with a filter where I'm trying to use either an OR function or an IN function and both aren't working. Example is shown with the IN error.
Set up the OR one [Field] = "1" or [Field] = "2" and that isn't working either.
Have you tried converting the field to a string first?
What data type is your field in?
[OrdTypGrpCd] is likely being stored numerically beforehand - changing it to a string should fix this.
If you have a sample of the data, that would be useful to test!
Yes, initially it was a V_string and then I changed it to just string and that still didn't work
if it's a number use IN(2008,2010) - If it's a string use IN("2008","2010")
If you try the above and are still getting an error - your error is somewhere else - it's just being flagged here.
Can you show me the configuration of the workflow? And a screenshot of the Select tool that's changing the data type?
Was able to figure out the error, thanks for your time