How do I translate the formula into an Alteryx formula
The below is my attempt:
IIF((![Scheduled Approval Drawings Due] and [Actual Approval Drawing Due]=""),([Total PE Hours]*0.44,"")
Sample data is always helpful, but you could try something like this:
IIF([Scheduled Approval Drawings Due] !="" and [Actual Approval Drawing Due]="",[Total PE Hours]*0.44,null())
The formula did not have an error, but it did not return the same information:
Maybe I need to change the formula in Alteryx:
If Scheduled Approvals is Not Blank, but Actual Approvals are blank then I need it to show 44% of the Hours allowed for PEs, if approvals have been submitted then I need a blank space, and if this particular project dos not have approvals, then I need it blank.
Currently with the formula I have. Approvals are scheduled but not completed and should show 44% but shows null instead.
2014786 EI 28 60 ND 2023-03-06 [Null] 2023-03-27 [Null] 2023-04-03 [Null] 2023-04-10 [Null] 2023-04-17 [Null] 2023-11-14 2014786 70.3 70.3 35.15 [Null]
I'd use the isempty function then, which checks for both empty ("") and null values.
IIF(!isempty([Scheduled Approval Drawings Due]) and isempty([Actual Approval Drawing Due]),[Total PE Hours]*0.44,null())
Double check that your total PE hours field is a numeric value, otherwise it won't calculate correctly.
Luke, it worked! Thank you!