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Error when Reading in .xls Files - Error opening connect string: Microsoft Access Database

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I have a number of .xls files containing some parking data which I am hoping to read into Alteryx simultaneously. A few of them read into Alteryx without issue, but most produce the following error message when attempting to select a table in the .xls file:


This is despite the fact they are seemingly the exact same file schema. I have attached a .yxzp file which demonstrates 1 file that is inputting correctly (2021.03 car parking base data.xls) and 2 which are causing errors. All files are of the same schema.


Please note that I do have the x32 bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 installed on my machine from this link. This has worked for me in the past but does not seem to be resolving the issue I am experiencing here.


Could anyone please provide some insight into this issue?


Edit: Interestingly, the files are successfully read into the workflow when I have them open in Excel, but the error persists when I close them - not sure whether this helps in diagnosing the cause of the issue.

19 - Altair

I believe this relates to the provenance of your .xls file -  Check your settings in the Trust Center/Protected View in Options in Microsoft Excel. Uncheck the relevant box regarding where your file originally came from. Try again.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have changed the Trust Center settings within Microsoft Excel to accept all file types from all locations and the error is still persisting.


These same settings should also apply across both the file that is erroring and the file that is inputting successfully, so I'm not sure why there is a difference between the two.


Note that I have added an "Edit:" section to my original question as the files are successfully read into the workflow when I have them open in Excel - not sure if that helps at all.

19 - Altair

I'll try with R and see what kind of errors I get.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you very much, your help is greatly appreciated!

19 - Altair

Try the attached - R isn't having any problems with your .xls - so I'd chalk it up as some minor Alteryx thing and just go with the R...

6 - Meteoroid

I have not previously used the R tool to input files in this manner so it's great to have another method in my arsenal if something like this happens again. Thank you very much for providing this solution!

19 - Altair

I had something similar pop up at work - but mine wasn't as readily solved. R is also good for multi-sheet .xls files if you come across that need.

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