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Error trapping

7 - Meteor
I'm looking for some help with error trapping in Alteryx pls.
I have a workflow which uses a Block Until Tool to create 2 process streams (as per pic).

What I want primarily want to do is to stop Block Until stream #2 from running if an error occurs in #1 - this tends to occur in the R Tool process.

Secondly, I'd like to trap/report to the user (if simple) if an error occurs in the R Tool; I think this happens when the password passed to the R Tool to open the password protected XL file isn't correct (eg the user makes a mistake setting / changes the password). Thanks in advance.
Alterxy eg.png
13 - Pulsar

Hi @pjandliz 


The simpliest way of doing this is via the Runtime and Events workflow configurations:




There is an option to cancel running the workflow if there is an error - but this will cancel it for ANY error not just ones in the R tool.





In the Events tab you can set it up to email a user, or group of users, when the workflow fails. You'll need to enter in your organisations SMTP settings for it to work.


Note: in the body of the email you will get all the output log info, you cannot restrict it down to just errors as far as I'm aware.


Does that help at all?

7 - Meteor

Thanks David


I'll try it out and report back.

7 - Meteor

I've tried the 'Cancel Running Workflow on Error', but it's not ideal, so I'm still open to suggestions.

In the interim I've had another idea - the 2nd leg of the process uses a value passed to the R Tool so I will see if I can push it out of the R Tool as a 2nd output; so if the R Tool fails then so too does the 2nd output.
