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Error on data stream out

5 - Atom



Data stream out to a csv gives me the following error; 


"Error SQLExtendedFetch: [Simba][Hardy] (35) Error from server: error code: '0' error message: '[Simba][Hardy] (134) File 909892e1-f49d-40e8-8f9e-07e1e1da0951: A retriable error occurred while attempting to download a result file from the cloud store but the retry limit had been exceeded. Error Detail: File 909892e1-f49d-40e8-8f9e-07e1e1da0951: 


Driver is configured and I am able to read the data (In DB) from the Hive cluster, but just before output step I have included a data stream out so that it can be written to a csv using the output data tool.


Driver - Simba Spark ODBC Driver 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi VinayakP,


We have had success with updating drivers to the newest versions, which overcame this error for us when working with Databricks. Can you find the appropriate driver on our downloads page and update yours accordingly?


Hopefully this will resolve your issue!



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