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Error Using "Publish to Tableau Server" Tool

5 - Atom

Last week I successfully setup and published a workflow to our Tableau Server using the Alteryx-developed "Publish to Tableau Server" macro. Well, this week I updated the underlying data in the workflow and attempted to publish an update and I received an error message about "Expected end of tag 'meta' at..." Here is a screenshot:


Alteryx Error Message 3-8-16.PNG


I would appreciate any thoughts as I have tried everything I can think of including uninstalling and reinstalling the tool, changing the project name, using a different datasource name - all to no success. Thank you!




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Russell,


This error is an issue with login. Things to check are:

- Credentials

- SSL, check whether the server is HTTP or HTTPS

- You mention 'publish', so if this is to Scheduler or Gallery, check the credentials of the user under "System Settings > Worker > Run As" as well.


@MacRo may be able to provide a little more information, but if the above does not point to a reason, then try clientservices to see if they have any help.



8 - Asteroid

Any chance your Tableau Server login credentials include special characters?

5 - Atom

Thanks Kane. You are correct - it was a login issue. There were some proxy settings that weren't letting me connect to our Tableau Server (it also impacted accessing Server within Tableau's desktop utility). Once we corrected those, the workflow ran flawlessly. 


Thanks for the help!



5 - Atom

Hi Paul - unfortunately no special characters in my login credentials. Turned out to be proxy settings. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @russellchance


I'm running into the same issue. Was there a certain part of the proxy setting that did not jibe with what Tableau wanted? Thanks for the education!



5 - Atom

I've configured tool, but face to the same issue. We are using HTTPS protocol

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @konstako,


Make sure that all your addresses are https in the config of the tool.


Is this error happening when you publish or on your desktop?


If the error is exactly the same, then that is happening when the authorisation request is made and the response from the auth request is not a complete XML response. That indicates that either the credentials are wrong or something else in the request is failing, such as Server address. 


If all this looks fine, then the next thing that I would look at is special characters in your password, not that I know of any error on that, it's just that can be an issue with APIs at times.

5 - Atom

Hi KaneG,

thanks fro the reply.


Here is configuration

option_1.PNG option_2.PNG





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @konstako,


I can't see what the error might be. Best option will be to contact support.

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