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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Error= Number of blocks disagrees with number of Records

8 - Asteroid

I am trying to import a YXDB file and facing the error:


File is corrupt: Number of blocks disagrees with number of Records

10 - Fireball

How many records are in the yxdb? It could be a RAM limitation issue that occurred on extract.

Also - are you able to recreate this error? I've never seen this one before.

8 - Asteroid

Yeah even i have come across it for the first time, will ask them to break in multiple files.

10 - Fireball

I also am not able to find a single mention of that error in any documentation or in the community. I would email Alteryx support and see if they can provide detail on the error so you know how to avoid it in the future.


7 - Meteor

Did you find solution for this? I am facing same error
