I have a dataset that I select random samples from and email the appropriate owner for each record that my 'Random Sample %' tool selects. I just want to send an email that says something to the effect of "Please confirm the values in this record are correct".
How do I go about attaching their record to my email? I am all good setting up the email To/From/Body/etc, however, I am a little confused on how to configure the Attachments section. After I click the Add button, how do I simply just attach the record to the email? I see there are currently two options:
Specify File: Would I need to add an output tool after my random selection tool to create an output file, then simply create the connection to it to add it as an attachment to my email?
File Name from Field Value: How does this function work? Would this be used as a workaround to having to create an output file and creating a connection to it?
Thank you,
File Name from Field Value
1)Use a formula tool to create a field with the file path for each email recipient's individual file
2) Create a file for each person (Using take file from field option in the Output tool)
2) Block until done or control containers to ensure the file is created prior to trying to email it
Split off into a different branch
3) Ensure you have 1 row per email address/file name by using Group By, Unique or some other tool or process.
4) In the Email tool then select the file path field in the drop down under the File Name from Field Value.
That should work!
You can also use the 3 & 4 to add data to the body of the email if you are not sending a file.
Thanks for the reply, Alex.
For the 1st step, adding a formula tool, would this be done after my random selection tool? I am familiar with creating new columns via the formula tool, however, how would I create the file path in a new column? Do I need to do my output tool configuration first?
Thanks, again!