Can someone help me provide sample workflow for the below Use Case scenarios.
Scenario 1 : Access Database File is in folder location. Whenever there are changes to the file the file modified date changes and we need to pick the file which got modified in last 7 days.
Scenario 2 : Alteryx should be able to read data dynamically from access database file which contains multiple tables Table A , Table B , Table c .
These 3 tables has to be loaded into Snowflake tables Table A , Table B and Table C .
Both Access DB and Snowflake tables are having same names so the Table A from Access DB has to be loaded into Snowflake Table A dynamically.
Access DB Snowflake
Table A Table A
Table B Table B
Table C Table C
Note : I have stored the Table names in separate Excel Spread sheet which should be the driving factor for the Source - Target data load. File names should be passed dynamically from this excel.
Scenario 3 : Above Scenario 2 should be driven by passing the table names dynamically that are stored in excel file.
So in the future if the requirement changes where there is an additional Access DB table which got created and need to be loaded into Snowflake then it should be done easily by adding it as a new record in excel spread sheet.