I am trying to use the dynamic select tool to select a range of columns, I have 50 columns and would like to select columns 1-21 // 33 - 35 // 49. I would like to do this all in one expression within the dynamic select tool. I need to use the dynamic select tool because the input files are variable. Can anyone help?
@qasdxx Rather than using the dynamic select tool, why not a combination of (in this order): pivot, filter, crosstab?
When you pivot, the data is name (field name) : value (cell value) pairs, so you can select the fields you want by using the filter next. Then, crosstab to return everything to it's original dimensions minus the fields you don't want.
You could also leverage the Python Tool, but the @patrick_mcauliffe way is better.
Don't forget (like I did) that columns are 0-indexed in a pandas dataframe.